We all have moments of dealing with an uninvited problem or a miserable burden that would force us to pound our fist and punch off the issues, and with the breaking events in one’s life, it perfectly makes sense to go through these daunting moments. With the current unprecedented situations, the pesky circumstances can seem to stick with us and lead us to ruminate negative thoughts which often evokes stress and anxiety. Global Master Coach Myke Celis, one of the exemplary names in professional coaching worldwide, empowers people towards their journey of ultimate bliss and finding their own #BestMeEver as they overcome stress and anxiety.
He says, “most people go overboard trying to control everything around them but truth be told that’s beyond theirs. Acting on impulse also contributes greatly to the stress because desired results can’t exactly be achieved by mere speed or force.”
He is coaching various individuals, celebrities and professionals to bring paradigm shifts in their approaches of seeing and living life. Myke considers the high-stress jobs with stringent deadlines and quests to perform exceptionally has led professionals to forget about the “real life” and “personal wellbeing” which often induces the stress level and anxious mind. His procedures to meticulously analyze initial disclosure, the exploration and judgment levels perfectly harmonizes with the distinct problems. His awareness and experiences have also been summing up the current and most common problem of anxiety causing parameters, which is mostly social media and ostentatious representation of people. Being a social media influencer himself with numerous brands and companies, both local and international collaborating with him for content and talks, he knows how it is to be too involved in social media at times and calls for the conscious effort of disconnecting thereafter.
Myke explains,” whether intentionally or otherwise, we tend to compare ourselves and our reality with what we see online and that causes a huge disconnect if things are not aligned accordingly, making us worry about things which mostly are non-essential, to begin with. So focusing on your own journey (and what is under your control) is key.”
Considered as one of the fastest rising experts in the field of professional coaching internationally, his ability to explain anxiety and stress has been a bit striking, where he says the stress can often be ignored by an individual amidst their hectic schedules and long screen hours. Myke’s coaching sessions address such obscure and unattended problems where one finds it difficult to construe the problems and is unaware of the toll on their mental and physical health. He centers his approach by gleaning his experiences and result-driven coaching techniques to help numerous in discovering their unleashed potential as they overcome hurdles brought about by stress and anxiety. His coaching programs and plans curated for inspiring people around the globe have tremendously added positive values and compassion among individuals, allowing them to become self-empowered in the process, something which the international best selling author of the #bestmeever book series considers as very important in order to thrive during challenging times.
“Managing stress and anxiety is a matter of choice. And we oftentimes forget that. Know that we need to embrace the space we are in fully first, ask ourselves what we can control and what we can do here and now with the resources that we have and all that we are as we seek to learn, understand and apply the lessons we need to learn given the circumstances. Not everything has to happen at once, so don’t beat yourself up pressuring yourself. By recognizing the fact that surrendering is as powerful as holding on to things you can manage fully, it allows you to realize that by letting go of things beyond your control, you are able to make room for things and opportunities which you can influence directly. Again, if it doesn’t help you grow, let go. Life gets better that way.”
Known as a Unicorn and ray of sunshine to many with his positive aura and candid and very authentic take on things, Myke advocates for owning one’s space and clearing it of anything that does not serve a good purpose. While he is empowering countless coachees, listeners, viewers and readers of his thoughts and teachings across multimedia platforms to manage stress and anxiety in their own way, he emphasizes his personal approach to managing these.
“I don’t force myself to work or to achieve anything when I am not 100% present. I would be shortchanging myself and my clients if I do so. Instead, I honour myself by engaging in self-care, taking off my coaching hat and letting myself just enjoy the moment. Work and other commitments will always be there, but the chance to be a little bit kinder, a little more loving and supportive to myself won’t. After all, my growth and well being is my own inspiration to carry on thereafter.”
Global Master Coach Myke Celis ends this interview with this statement:
“What you resist will persist. So stop focusing on what did not go as planned and divert your attention on how you can do things differently instead. Remember, everything is a matter of choice. By taking a step back and choosing to see the bigger picture, the important lessons and the wonderful opportunities beyond the setbacks, you become self-empowered as you discover your own #bestmeever, minus stress and anxiety.”