In a world where so many suffer debilitating illness and pain, radical health can seem like a fantasy. Societally many have accepted that with age,significant cognitive and physical decline is inevitable. Then resorting to prescription medications that often manage pain and disease, and otherwise, take the ”hand we’ve been dealt”. What if there was a route out of pain and misery? A life where almost everyone could thrive within their bodies, feeling connected and more at ease with their being? That is the mission of Dr. Brian Hutcheson, a leading and acclaimed chiropractor in the USA. Dr. Hutcheson is on a mission for those around the country and the world: to transform the physical, mental and spiritual health of those suffering.
When we feel unwell, disconnected, and out of alignment, we can quickly become depressed, sinking deeply into a world of despair. Dr. Hutcheson is a man who is changing the world and carrying a beacon of hope for those experiencing chronic pain. His efforts include building an integrative pain management program at an esteemed health center in South Carolina, Hope Health, and his building of Digital Motion X-Rays of the Carolinas. In addition, Dr. Hutcheson is now building a program for total structural rehabilitation of the human neck and body with a renowned specialty medical clinic, Caring Medical. Dr. Hutcheson, however, is not a doctor who hides behind his practice and keeps a low profile. Instead, he is one of the innovative health professionals in the country and a man who is expected to make a significant impact on the health industry – both within professional circles and on digital platforms such as Youtube and Instagram.
Did you know that your neck and spine positioning and stability can affect your blood flow, cognition, and almost all of your bodily functions? How many times have you caught a glimpse of yourself in the office mirror, slouched and sunk into your computer, a highway to physical strain, pain, and more? Dr. Hutcheson uses his expertise to create a platform that addresses the most common health complaints people face every day. Dr. Hutcheson is adamant: thriving, radical and abundant health is our birthright and our natural state. Too often, traditional medical care entails maintaining or managing pain; Dr. Hutcheson and his colleagues have been working on solutions that often help permanently resolve chronic issues. Dr. Hutcheson has been pushing the boundaries of what is possible regarding health, healing, and integrative medicine since he began to practice over eight years ago. After our conversations with him, we greatly anticipate what he has in store next. Dr. Hutcheson plans to continue to offer even more radical health achieving solutions for everyone, sharing his knowledge and expertise through social media. Dr. Hutcheson believes that achieving profound health should be possible for all, and he has a deep commitment to serving others and helping them achieve the health they only dreamed of.
Teamwork and networking have been vital to Dr. Hutcheson’s success. He believes that befriending and collaborating with like-minded people is essential to change the world and achieve greatness. He thanks his success not only to his many Chiropractic mentors and teachers but just as much to the trust and acceptance of a few open-minded, innovative and brilliant medical doctors. This handsome doctor who treats every patient with importance and the utmost care generously shares his expertise through various youtube videos and soon through his Instagram, available for free and packed with information.
Perhaps what makes Dr. Hutcheson’s work so radical and successful is his ability to infuse technology and healthcare and offer modern solutions to healthcare problems. These solutions are being actively researched and backed up by data and supported by patient testimonies. With his business and brand presence rising, Dr. Hutcheson is always looking for others to collaborate with. His enthusiasm for patient satisfaction has driven him to develop a platform where everyone can access digital health hacks, tips, and practical strategies to implement whole-body healing. Whole-body healing is Dr. Hutcheson’s forte. Ultimately, one small problem in the spine can cause all sorts of health issues, including mental fatigue and depression. Likewise, one seemingly small but recurrent negative or limiting belief or thought can lead to much more severe consequences, whether it be lack of fulfillment, stagnant health, relationships, or professional development. ”Your health is your wealth” – and Dr. Hutcheson wants everyone to be wealthy in health despite their economic status or previous medical history.
Dr. Hutcheson’s most radical impact on the healthcare industry thus far has perhaps been his contribution to helping expand motion-imaging through his startup “Digital Motion X-Rays of the Carolinas.” A way to analyze and diagnose structural and musculoskeletal health issues that are only visible during motion. Dr. Hutcheson started this business when he was still fresh out of school in 2015, when motion-imaging was still relatively rare and misunderstood. Today, motion imaging is expanding, and Dr. Hutcheson’s 6+ years of experience in this field has helped him be one of the experts. He was one of the speakers at the first-ever accredited seminar on Digital Motion X-Rays, alongside the creator of the technology and other leaders in this field who have been mentors to Dr. Hutcheson ever since. This technology helps Dr. Hutcheson identify the root cause of patients’ health issues and develop plans to sustain long-term, permanent healing. The future of structural medicine is promising. At the center of this movement is Dr. Hutcheson, alongside his brilliant and acclaimed medical director, Dr. Ross Hauser. Dr. Hutcheson is a doctor whose brand and treatment style revolutionizes the healthcare industry and helps thousands of patients reclaim their lives and embrace radical health.