Ada Hu teamed up with Eva Jiang in 2019, bringing two distinctively dynamic brands- Universal Processing and NXT Factor under one roof. With this merger, the result was NU Media. Ada as a founder of NU Media successfully created a super brand that was nothing short of spectacular! A brand founded on the principles of authenticity, values and innovation. Before Ada decided to navigate the murky waters of the digital realm, there were a few things she resolved to address;
- Cater for the neglected small business sector
- Create cutting-edge solutions to problems and opportunities for growth, and
- Build an innovative team that performs under a diverse work culture and strong collaborative relationships.
Just about two years gone and she has truly shown what knowledge, creativity and passion can achieve. She’s a social entrepreneur and advocate, as well as the CEO, co-founder and Managing Partner of NU Media. When we got in touch with her recently to ask what her ultimate secrets to success were, we were stunned by her response. “It’s no secret,” she says. “These are things that most of us know but just fail to apply or apply correctly,” she notes.
Ada Hu says there are three main tips that anyone looking to succeed in the digital realm needs to know. Deciding that you want to succeed is a great step, but is not an assurance of success.
You must be tenacious and unapologetic. A 2018 study by Forbes asked several industry leaders what they would describe as the single greatest factor for their success. Their responses all revolved around tenacity. There were catch-phrases like “sticking with it”, “hanging in there”, and “going toe-to-toe”. This gives a strong credence to Ada’s conviction that even with skills, connections, networking, and experience, the digital media industry requires tenacity. In her words, “you must be your biggest supporter. Believe in what you do and stick to your convictions”.
What you do or say will ultimately thrive if you just hang in there, she says.
Consistency is priceless. It is consistency that ensures a client comes back again and again. Consistency builds trust, respect and credibility. Hu says it is how you prove that you can do the job and do it again and again. To grow and succeed in an ever-changing and tough digital environment, you must be consistent in delivering on deadlines and tasks. However, it is important not to confuse consistency for sameness or rigidity; it gives room for innovation, dynamism and growth in tune with changing industry environment.
Leading by example. When you work with a team, it is not enough to stipulate work ethics, rules, guidelines and milestones; you must show it. People naturally follow leaders, Ada says. You don’t even need to announce yourself as leader; just be one. Leadership (or the lack of it) can determine the success (or failure) of any business, especially one in a sensitive industry like digital media. For NU Media, where Ada leads, their growth and success is hinged on collaborative teamwork, inspired by participatory leadership that allows everyone to manifest their potential freely.
Driving the point…
Almost every brand across the world needs an effective online, a strong digital marketing resource and brand management that will keep them ahead of the pack. Using Ada’s ingredients, taking hold of a large chunk of the market shouldn’t be a problem for any digital media executive.